Pre-Drywall Inspection

With the speed of construction in the Northwest it is recommended that you have a qualified inspector check out the components of the home to ensure that all items are completed prior to drywall being installed. Our pre-drywall inspection is an evaluation of all components of the house and its major systems to ensure that any defects, safety hazards, or improper construction techniques are identified before they are covered up by drywall. We will also check the moisture level in the wood framing to see if it is dry enough to be covered over. If wet wood is covered over it can create a moldy mess. A problem, if found early, can save thousands of dollars later. In addition, by correcting framing flaws before the drywall goes on it will reduce the amount of drywall defects that can show up later in the home. Do not assume that the county or city building inspector will catch everything during their visit. Many times, these inspectors spend less than few minutes in each structure! Following your inspection, you will receive a comprehensive report, complete with photos, that includes information on any material defects observed that need to be corrected by the builder.